Perfectly Cooked Instant Noodles
Hello everybody, I'm back with our recipes after a period without posts. Back with recipes from World of Warcraft, and that one was introduced by the expansion Pandaria, who brought the art of oriental cuisine. This recipe is known of singles, abandoned by parents who travel, those who don´t know cooking, and those who like instant noodles, but I love it without the seasoning that comes along.
This is a recipe easy to perform and get a different flavor with the addition of cream cheese. So let's revenue.
Difficulty - Apprentice 1-80
Author: Andreia Fonseca

- 1 package of instant noodles to your liking;
- Cream cheese.
How to prepare:
1 - In a pan place water until almost half;
2 - After boiling water, place the noodles in a bowl;
3-Wait 5-7 minutes, making sure the pasta is already testing and add the seasoning that comes with the noodles;
4 - Pour the pasta on your plate and place the cheese stirring until smooth.
Until the next post!
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